Starting a business abroad: is it worthwhile?

250,000 French people have chosen to set up their businesses abroad. Indeed, this is a very common practice among entrepreneurs. This practice is very attractive because it promises many advantages. Among others, this solution allows to limit the constraints that block the development of the company. Is it really advantageous to launch an offshore company? Discover in this article the answers to this question.

Taxation: a convincing argument for starting a business abroad

Countries like India, China and Brazil offer more affordable taxation. In addition, there are also Delaware, the Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar. This is one of the attractions that entice entrepreneurs and business owners to locate their companies there. They are what financial experts define as tax havens. By deciding to create your business abroad, you will be subject to low taxation, while making your turnover considerably profitable. All procedures are legal as long as your activities are real and your profits are declared.

Create your business abroad: to have more flexibility

This practice also allows you to benefit from an interesting banking opacity. Your identities as managers or shareholders will be preserved. They will not be communicated to the Trade Register and you will remain anonymous. Of course, you must act legally and not abuse the system. Tax fraud is punishable by imprisonment. Of course, you can use nominees, but this makes the identification process quite complex. Having an international company allows you to take advantage of international trade. But above all, it is a way to protect your assets by regrouping them in a holding company. You will have no difficulty in publishing your financial statements.

To avoid the limits imposed by one’ country

Setting up your business abroad allows you to benefit from more flexible regulations than those which are applicable in your country. You will be able to detach yourself from the limits and constraints that prevent the profitability of your activity. In other words, setting up a business abroad is advantageous. In addition to an interesting tax system, some countries allow you to have more freedom in your management. Regulations are more flexible than in France. Constraints seem to be less in a foreign country, especially if you know how to choose your destination. The most important thing is to stay within the law to avoid sanctions.

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